Symbolen för Copyright. Upphovsrätt kallas den rätt skaparen ( upphovsmannen) av ett litterärt eller konstnärligt verk har till verket i fråga. Upphovsrätt uppstår automatiskt när det skapade verket uppnår verkshöjd, och behöver således inte hävdas genom registrering eller liknande förfarande.


I Norge har bruk av copyright-merket aldri vært noe vilkår for opphavsrettvern. Imidlertid merkes ofte utgitte verk med symbolet både i Norge og andre land, men da kun for å opplyse brukere av verket om opphavsrettens eksistens, i kombinasjon med opplysninger om hva dette innebærer av begrensninger for utnyttelsen av verket.

Wikipedia The world's largest encyclopedia available on the Web at Wikipedia is user generated, and anyone can create or edit an article (see wiki).Founded in 2001 by Jimmy Wales, as of 2020, there are more than six million articles in English, as well as articles in every language on earth. Subcategories. This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. The license Wikipedia uses grants free access to our content in the same sense that free software is licensed freely. This principle is known as copyleft.Wikipedia content can be copied, modified, and redistributed so long as the new version grants the same freedoms to others and acknowledges the authors of the Wikipedia article ampiasaina (a direct link back to the article is generally "Wikipedia" sollt en direkte Link op d'lëtzebuergesch Haaptsäit hunn, "XYZ" en direkte Link op de spezifeschen Artikel, "Lëscht vun den Auteuren" op d'Versiounslëscht vum Artikel, "änneren" op d'Editéier-Fënster vum Artikel an d'"GNU Free Documentation" respektiv "CC-BY-SA 3.0 Lizenz" sollt op eng lokal Kopie vun der jeeweileger Lizenz linken.

Copyright wikipedia

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  5. E postadan konum bulma Från Wikipedia. För fågelsläktet This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit). JoJan assumed (based on copyright claims).

Der Text ist unter der Lizenz „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“ verfügbar; Informationen zu den Urhebern und zum Lizenzstatus eingebundener Mediendateien (etwa Bilder oder Videos) können im Regelfall durch Anklicken dieser abgerufen werden.

Oznaczenie zostało wprowadzone przez Stany Zjednoczone w ustawie o prawach autorskich z roku 1909. Se hela listan på Silke von Lewinski , International copyright law and policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-19-920720-6, OCLC 173498588 p • d • e System prawa autorskiego In September 2016, the Delhi High Court ruled in Delhi University's Rameshwari Photocopy Service shop case, which sold photocopies of chapters from academic textbooks was not infringing on their publisher's copyright, arguing that the use of copyright to "stimulate activity and progress in the arts for the intellectual enrichment of the public" outweighed its use by the publishers to maintain In most countries, there is no need to register the copyright, and some countries do not even have procedures to register copyrights. But, where registration is available, many authors register anyway, especially for works that are sold for money. That is because registration helps to prove that the copyright of a work belongs to a certain author.

Copyright wikipedia

For computer software, the copyright act expressly provides that all economic usage rights (as opposed to personality rights) "belong" to the employer. [10] A recent amendment of the Urhebergesetz (sec. 31a, included in 2008) has created the possibility to grant licences for "unknown uses", i.e. permit use of works in media not known at the time the licence is granted.

It contains pages that are not articles, or it groups articles by status rather than subject.

Le licentia que nos usa garanti le accesso libere a nostre materiales in le mesme senso que le software libere es licentiate liberemente. El Estatuto de la Reina Ana, aprobado por el parlamento inglés en 1710, fue la primera norma sobre copyright de la historia. Esta ley establecía que todas las obras publicadas recibirían un plazo de copyright de 14 años, renovable por una vez si el autor se mantenía con vida (o, sea, un máximo de 28 años de protección). 著作権(ちょさくけん、英語: copyright 、コピーライト)は、作品を創作した者が有する権利である。また、作品がどう使われるか決めることができる権利である 。 Dans les pays de common law, le symbole de copyright (©) indique qu'une œuvre est soumise à copyright. Dans les pays de droit civil (tels que la France ou la Belgique ), il n'a aucune valeur légale [ 1 ] mais est tout de même couramment employé pour indiquer qu'une œuvre est soumise au droit d'auteur .
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Copyright wikipedia

Välkomna till Arbona! logo-e1461763562374 · Copyright © 2021 Mertiva AB. According to Wikipedia, “The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Swedish industrialist, inventor, and  Copyright 2021 HANZA Group. Webbplats producerad av Viström.

Hoppa till navigering Hoppa till sök. Copyright Term Extension Act, även känd som Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act och, pejorativt, The Mickey Mouse Act, är den upphovsrättslag som infördes 1998 och stadgar att verken (till exempel varumärket Musse Pigg) skall skyddas i upphovsmannens livstid plus 70 år.
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If an author wants to sell a work, it's often easiest to give the copyright to a publisher. The publisher will do all the selling, and in return for that service The history of copyright starts with early privileges and monopolies granted to printers of books.The British Statute of Anne 1710, full title "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by vesting the Copies of Printed Books in the Authors or purchasers of such Copies, during the Times therein mentioned", was the first copyright statute. The text contained in Wikipedia is copyrighted (automatically, under the Berne Convention) by Wikipedia contributors and licensed to the public under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). The full text of this license is at Wikipedia:Text of the GNU Free Documentation License. Limitations and exceptions to copyright are provisions, in local copyright law or Berne Convention, which allow for copyrighted works to be used without a license from the copyright owner. Limitations and exceptions to copyright relate to a number of important considerations such as market failure , freedom of speech , [1] education and Without copyright, other people could change ideas, works and inventions and make am better, and copyright law often stops that.

Mens den anglo-amerikanske copyright dreide seg om økonomiske rettigheter, vokste det i Frankrike frem et system basert på droit d'auteur, forfatterens rettigheter. Denne var inndelt i de to hoveddelene droits patrimoniaux (økonomiske rettigheter) og droits moraux, moralske eller ideelle rettigheter.

Denne var inndelt i de to hoveddelene droits patrimoniaux (økonomiske rettigheter) og droits moraux, moralske eller ideelle rettigheter. This featured video highlights The Orrin G. Hatch-Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act (Music Modernization Act) the most significant piece of copyright legislation in decades and updates our current laws to reflect modern consumer preferences and technological developments in the music marketplace. Wikipedia® est une marque déposée de la Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., organisation de bienfaisance régie par le paragraphe 501(c)(3) du code fiscal des États-Unis. Politique de confidentialité À propos de Wikipédia Se hela listan på Launched in early 2001, Wikipedia is a free, Web-based encyclopedia that is fully accessible to every user.

Vard. 13.00 - 18.00. Lördag 11.00 - 16.00. Telefon: 040 - 66 16 102. E-post: Copyright © Streetlab.